March Newsletter

March Updates

We want to wish our Stuart Baker families a safe and enjoyable March Break! To kick it off, we are inviting students to participate in our school-wide Spirit Week and a Winter Fun Day on Friday! Happy March Break Everyone!

March 3 Beach Day

March 4 Favourite Colour Day

March 5 Fun Hat Day

March 6 PJ Day

March 7 Red/White or Bear Wear Day

SBES French Immersion Info Night

Stuart Baker French Immersion Team would like to invite all families to a French Immersion Information Night on Thursday, March 20, 5-6pm. We will share the vision and structure of TLDSB’s French Immersion program, and answer any questions.

This information night is strongly recommended for any family with children entering French Immersion in the 2025-2026 school year.

Thank you SBES School Council

A big should out to our amazing School Council for organizing and running the March 3 Skating event! Thank you families for joining us and supporting our fundraising event!

What’s Happening This Month

  • Pizza Days: Mar 7, 21, 28
  • Holiday: March 10-14
  • First Day of Spring: March 20
  • Spirit Day – Red/White or Bear Wear: March 28

February Kindness Week

Kindness Week was a huge success at Stuart Baker ES. Our teachers and students were engaged in meaningful
lessons and conversations about respect, how to respond to conflicts and the difference between teasing, mean
moments, conflicts and bullying. We are so proud of our Stuart Baker Bears! We will continue to focus on supporting students with understanding and navigating difficult situations that occur during the school day.

Save the Date! Scott Graham is visiting SBES!

We are excited to welcome Scott Graham to continue the conversation about anti-bullying and kindness. Scott Graham is an award-winning presenter who is passionate about educating youth about leadership and anti-bullying strategies. In addition to his speaking engagements, Scott Graham is a bestselling author, singer-songwriter, and producer of COURAGE: the Leadership anti-bullying video.

We are planning an assembly for our Grade 1-3 students on April 11, at 11:30am. More information about Scott Graham can be found here:

Early Dismissal

Our educators work hard to ensure that the day is full of valuable instruction for your children. Early dismissal from school puts students at risk of missing important learning, and it interrupts the learning of others in the classroom. While we understand early pick-up is required for appointments and some extra-curricular activities, we encourage families to wait until 3:15 to pick up students.

Spring News

  • Mini-stick season is over March 7. We look forward to getting our basketball nets out as the snow melts away!
  • The spring weather brings lots of wet clothes, shoes, and boots. We would appreciate you sending extra socks, mitts, and event pants to school, just in case!

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration forms are available on our website. More information is available at

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Safe @ School

Report form


School registration


Transportation info.

Stuart W. Baker Elementary School

1080 Grass Lake Road, PO Box 599, Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Contact Us

School Schedule
8:35 – 8:55 a.m.
Block 1
8:55 – 10:35 a.m.
Nutrition break A
10:35 – 11:15 a.m.
Block 2
11:15 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
Nutrition break B
12:55 – 1:35 p.m.
Block 3
1:35 – 3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m.

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