Join us Saturdays this Fall for Kids and Youth Art Courses
Influenced by artists throughout the ages, and using their own imagination, students will create several art projects over the 6 week period. A variety of media will be explored in drawing, painting, and collage./ From non-objective to realism, students will work in many different styles and with a variety of subject matter. The “language of art” will be introduced as we make and talk about our work.
Saturdays, October 19 to November 23, 2024
Instructor: Rose Pearson
Course fee: $269.43
Material fee of $30 to be paid to the instructor
Who: Ages 6-9 from 9:30 a.m. to noon and ages 10-13 from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Visit the Youth Art Explorers page for more information and to register.